飞皇玩具厂座落在中国玩具工艺城----广东省澄海区兴达工业区,现有生产厂房5800平方。是一家专业开发、生产玩具水枪的生产厂家。拥有各种规格的自动化设备,和一批基础扎实、素质较高的生产工人和专业设计技术人员,自建厂以来承蒙广大客户的支持和本厂的努力开拓,不断发展扩大,每年创新产品不断推出,产品畅销世界各地,深得广大客户的青睐和信赖。以“质量第一,客户满意”为经营宗旨,严格控制产品质量,对原材料及配件严格挑选,确保产品具备安全、美观、可玩性高的特点。 我厂产品已获得“EN-71”、“ASTM”、“3C”等认证证书。我们竭诚欢迎海内外客商莅临合作,携手共创美好未来!
Fei Huang toy factory located in China, toy craft Chenghai City, Guangdong Province ---- Xingda industrial zone, the existing production plant 5800 square. Is a specialized development, production and toy gun manufacturers. Have all kinds of automation equipment, and a group of well-grounded and high-quality production workers and professional design and technical personnel, since the plant has been indebted the general customers the support and the efforts of plant development, continues to grow every year of innovative products continue to introduction of products sold around the world, won the favor and trust of our customers. Of "quality first, customer satisfaction" as business purposes, strictly control product quality, rigorous selection of raw materials and accessories to ensure the products have safety, aesthetics, playability is high. I plant products have been "EN-71", "ASTM", "3C" certification certificate. We sincerely welcome customers at home and abroad come to cooperate and join hands for a better future! |